電影甫開場,一場公路上的大型歌舞便先聲奪人,之後直接進入男女主角的追夢故事,記得的只有一句「Climb these hills I'm reaching for the heights」。到中後段,腦海裡就只充斥著City of Stars和Mia & Sebastian’s Theme。直到電影結束,帶著一顆失落的心回到家中,重聽一遍電影中每首歌曲,才驚覺這個結局,在兩人相識之前便已埋下。Another Day of Sun這首序曲,不讀歌詞猶自可,一讀之下,才真正感受到那一絲椎心之痛。
愛情故事總是離不開相愛相分。La La Land的痛,不是因為午夜夢迴裡的「what if」,也不是因為愛情與夢想間的掙扎。痛,是因為他們一早清楚自己的路,也知道對方的抉擇。就如開首那個女生,輕快地唱出一段別離的往事:
I think about that day
I left him at a Greyhound station
West of Santa Fé
We were seventeen, but he was sweet and it was true
Still I did what I had to do
'Cause I just knew
縱有遺憾,卻無猶豫。青春的愛戀總是令人不能忘懷,但要reach for the heights,就要懂得捨割。Mia和Sebastian在電影院裡初次牽手,想不到也是為了電影而離別:
Summer Sunday nights
We'd sink into our seats
Right as they dimmed out all the lights
A Technicolor world made out of music and machine
It called me to be on that screen
And live inside its sheen
Without a nickel to my name
Hopped a bus, here I came
Could be brave or just insane
We'll have to see
'Cause maybe in that sleepy town
He'll sit one day, the lights are down
He'll see my face and think of how he used to know me
命運弄人,由聖誕夜的相遇、Griffith Observatory的星空、上機前夕精心準備的晚餐、到表演後的「It’s over」,他們的愛始終屬於黑夜。偏偏兩人一直等待的,就是黎明的到來:
Climb these hills
I'm reaching for the heights
And chasing all the lights that shine
And when they let you down
You'll get up off the ground
'Cause morning rolls around
And it's another day of sun
終於,離別前的一句「I’m always gonna love you」,變成了剎那中的永恆。她唱著她輕快的調子,登上夢想的航班,終於得到了她一直追求的東西。沒想到五年後的另一個黑夜,兩人命運再度交叉。一幕幕往事湧上心頭,回首看看那段曾經清晰不過的路,忽爾變得有點模糊。如果重新來過,他們會否有一個不一樣的結局?她沒有答案,也不須要答案,因為她很清楚,這一切已成過去。踏出那個門口,她又會回到自己幸福快樂的生活。只是她的心中,卻也從此留下了一道永遠無法彌補的空隙。